Modules 13 & 14 – Growing the Section & Supporting Young People
Module 13
Covers ways in which an adult volunteering with a section can assist their line manager and others to plan for and contribute to the growth of their section and/or group.
Topics covered:
- Importance of growth in scouting
- Recruitment and retention: young people
- Recruitment and retention: adults
- Tools and support to help sections grow
- Development plans
Module 14
Are you finding session difficult due to behaviour? Do you feel you need some help and ideas? This training is for you. It covers the learning for Module 14 of the Scout Adult Training Scheme.
Areas covered:
- Characteristics and development of young people.
- External influences on young people.
- Creating a supportive environment for young people.
- Responding to issues affecting young people
To book on the course please use this link:
Perdiswell Young People's Leisure Club, Perdiswell Park, Droitwich Road, Worcester, WR3 7SN