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County Awards Critera

County Awards Critera

County Challenges!

Recognising Leaders’ successes are about having fun, understanding, and reward. Leaders are invited to attend a special day just for them, no training no reason apart from a Well done and a big thank you!

Over the year Leaders, groups and districts will be providing an amazing programme. As a County, we want to recognise this. So, following the County Conference in 2018 and listening to leaders we have created a bit of fun competition, that will run from the 15th February 2019 to 1st November 2019.

The awards up for grabs are:

  • County Scout Group of the Year
    • The Scout Group most likely to win this award will show:
      • Varied and Rich Programme
      • High Community Impact
      • Demonstrating a visual impact on Social and Digital Media
      • Youth-Led
  • County Explorer Unit of the Year
    • The Explorer Unit most likely to win this award will show:
      • Varied and Rich Programme
      • High Community Impact
      • Demonstrating a visual impact on Social and Digital Media
      • Youth-Led
  • County District of the Year
    • The District Most likely to win this award will show:
      • Varied and Rich Programme
      • Great Support for Development of Scouting
      • Demonstrating a visual impact on Social and Digital Media
      • Youth-Led
  • County Leader of the Year
    • The Leader most likely to win this award will show:
      • Dedication above and beyond
      • Provision of a great programme, which is balanced, impacts the community- contains adventure, fun and #Skillsforlife
  • County Section Leader of the Year
    • One award for each section, the leader most likely to win this award will show:
      • Dedication above and beyond
      • Provision of a great programme, which is balanced, impacts the community- contains adventure, fun and #Skillsforlife
  • County DC of the Year
    • The DC most likely to win this will show…. we don’t know this will be based on nominations nearer the time. Letting you tell us!
  • County GSL of the Year
    • The most likely GSL to win this will show:
      • A strong Scouting programme that is committed to being youth-led, impacting their local community and demonstrating skills for life across all three sections (if the group has all three sections). Is fully and properly supported by young leaders. Maintain great reviews and support the adult leaders, working successfully with their executive committee.
  • Most Grown Group
    • Based on Census data and review in Autumn with District Commissioners
  • Most Nights Away
    • Calculated and compared with District Commissioners
  • Best Programme of the Year
    • This will be judged by Team CC and be based on the current programme. It needs to be true Scouting and any section is eligible. We will be consulting local Commisioners.
  • Best Camp Programme of the Year
    • This will be judged by Team CC and be based on the current programme. It needs to be true Scouting and any section is eligible. We will be consulting local Commissioners.

We will host a Leaders Awards and fun day on 16th November 2019  where winners will be awarded their prizes. The awards will finish at 5pm and Leaders are invited to stay for as long as they wish too after, where food and drink will be provided. It’s going to be hosted at the Fownes Hotel in Worcester.

The order of the day will also include:

  • Networking
  • Reviewing of Scouting in the County – Your Say on Scouting matters
  • Buffet and Bar
  • Fun and Games (Optional Participation)


You will need to book tickets here to attend.

Dwayne Fields proudly holds the title of the UK's 11th Chief Scout

An explorer, adventurer and TV presenter, Dwayne's been seen in BAFTA nominated Channel 5 series Race to the Pole, on BBC Springwatch, Countryfile, National Geographic and Disney+.

Find out more