Scouts Hereford & Worcester declare a Climate & Ecological Emergency. Find out more... HERE
Getting Started Training

Getting Started Training

wood badge

Wood Beads

When you take on a new role in Scouting you are helped on the way by your “Getting Started” training.  This important training gets you up to speed quickly and will give you confidence about taking on your new role.

Getting Started training should be done within five months of beginning your appointment.  While it can nearly all be done through e-learning (links below), there may also be face-to-face opportunities led locally by your line manager and/or training adviser.

For nearly all membership roles, you will need to complete:

In addition, some roles have additional support materials that are mandatory:

Trustees will also need to do:

Section Leaders and Assistants will also need to complete:

Managers and Supporters will need to do:

Key resources – every adult volunteer will need the appropriate Adult’s Personal File – this outlines all the training and how you can validate it in your role.  They can be downloaded here.

We will pair all adults working towards a Wood Badge (Section Leaders and Assistants, and Managers and Supporters) with a Training Adviser (TA) to support you through this process.  Your TA will explain how the Adult Training Scheme works and ensure that you have a copy of the Adults’ Personal File (link above). Your TA will assess the skills and experience you already have and match them to your new role. Then you and your TA will work out a learning plan that will be beneficial in supporting you in Scouting.

Build a good relationship with your TA. TAs are experienced volunteers and great to ask advice from or bounce ideas off as you settle into your role.

For all the Getting Started Training, if completed via e-learning, please send a screenshot of your certificate to your Training Adviser or your Local Training Manager so that it can be recorded.

HM King Charles III has been confirmed as our new Patron, a great honour for UK Scouts.

The King continues a long tradition of the monarch giving their Patronage, dating back to 1912. This was when Scouts was granted its Royal Charter and HM George V became our first Patron.

Find out more
King Charles III

Our Patron, HM King Charles III