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Local Funds and Grants

Local Funds and Grants

Are finances tight?

There’s Help for International Events and Support for local camps and activities…

Scouts Hereford & Worcester County International Support Fund

To support activities within the Scout and Explorer Scout Sections: International Camps (excluding the World Scout Jamborees, which have a separate Fund) outside the UK, or other comparable activities deemed worthwhile by the Trustees for the benefit of Scouts or Explorer Scouts and/or for the benefit of Troops and Units.

Scouts Hereford & Worcester County Inclusive Fund

To support any youth or adult member facing financial difficulty in meeting the costs of an event, camp or trip. You can only apply individually to the County Hardship fund.


Applications must be made by the relevant individual, Group or Explorer Unit.

The grant can only be paid within the calendar year when the trip or camp will be undertaken, but may be applied for in the year before the event. This is so that trip leaders can confirm the contribution that the County will make, and they can then inform parents and plan fund-raising events accordingly.

All Group/Unit applications must be accompanied by the most recent AGM approved accounts of either the Group or the District. For applications from individuals the Trustees may ask for proof of income and/or benefits received.

Applications will be assessed on the basis of financial need.

Only one application can be made per person, Group or Unit, per event.

If an individual makes an individual claim for hardship they cannot also be part of a Group or Unit application.

Groups and Explorer Units can only make one application in any financial year.

The maximum grant available is £500 per young person per event; there is no guarantee the maximum will be funded.

The maximum amount that can be awarded to a Group or Explorer Unit in any financial year is £2,500. There is no guarantee the maximum will be funded.

If the trip or camp is to be a joint Scout and Explorer camp or trip, each section should apply separately to maximise the amount that can be applied for.  NB Explorer Units are members of the District, NOT a Group.

The application will be approved by the Trustees from Scouts Hereford and Worcester.

There is no appeal to the decision.

Although a Group/Unit grant amount may be based on the number of young people attending, it can be used at the Leaders’ discretion. This does not need to be reported to the Trustees as it may affect the future application for funds. Individuals applying for hardship will be counted individually.

Following the event a report must be submitted to the County Office. This should identify what the event achieved. Failure to submit a report will result in no further grant applications being approved.

Download application form here:

Scouts Hereford and Worcester Grants Form

Dwayne Fields proudly holds the title of the UK's 11th Chief Scout

An explorer, adventurer and TV presenter, Dwayne's been seen in BAFTA nominated Channel 5 series Race to the Pole, on BBC Springwatch, Countryfile, National Geographic and Disney+.

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