Scouts HW – Training and Support – Administration training
Administration Training – Monday 7th September, 7.30 – 9.30pm, ONLINE via Zoom.
Not sure about Scout bank accounts or insurance? Want to know how to get the best out of OSM? Looking for some advice on what records you should be keeping and how to organise them? Then administration training is for you. It covers the learning for Module 11 of the Scout Adult Training Scheme.
Areas covered:
- What records and accounts should we be keeping? How do we store and manage these records?
- What legislation and regulations apply to our record keeping and how do we follow them?
- What adult application forms are there and what do we do with them? (this is mostly relevant for Managers, but helpful for everybody to know)
- How do we manage finances and what are our responsibilities in this area?
- What are the insurance arrangements are for activities, events, property and equipment?
To sign up, please e-mail our County Training Administrator –
To find out what other training we have available, go to
If you feel that you already have the appropriate skills and knowledge covered in this course, but haven’t yet validated it, then please get in touch with your Training Adviser. To validate the module you should be able to demonstrate a good knowledge of all the areas covered in the training and should be able to demonstrate how you maintain accurate administrative and financial records appropriate to your role and in accordance with Scout Policy, Organisation and Rules and the Data Protection Act / GDPR.
Please ensure that you have completed the online GDPR training here and that it is recorded on your training record on Compass.