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Validating training virtually

Date: 5th Aug 2020 Author: Mel Brammer

You are all fantastic!  Lock-down hasn’t been easy for anybody, but we know that many of you have continued to work on your adult training.  Here are some things you can do now:

Mandatory Training

Check to make sure that your mandatory training is up-to-date.  This includes Safety, Safeguarding and GDPR.

First Aid

We are unable to offer First Aid training at the moment.  The guidance from UKHQ is that this will remain the case until we are at Green level.  If your First Aid training has expired, get out your First Response manual or go online to brush up as much as possible on your First Aid knowledge before you return to face-to-face Scouting.  There’s some guidance from the HSE here on delivering First Aid in a covid situation.

Check Compass

Check how long you have left to complete your adult training.  Log on to Compass to check.  Your Getting Started training should be completed within 5 months of the beginning of your appointment and you have 3 years from starting your appointment to complete the rest of the Wood Badge if one is available for your role.

Training Adviser

Do you have a Training Adviser?  If you aren’t sure who they are, please contact your Local Training Manager.  If you aren’t sure who they are, then contact

Sign up to training

We are offering Zoom training for all the modules of the adult training scheme through the Autumn and Winter.  Check out the programme here, and sign up for the training that you need.


If you have already completed the training for a module, or already have the skills and knowledge you need, it’s time to get it validated.    You can meet your Training Adviser face-to-face as long as you follow government guidance on social distancing.  Alternatively you may wish to share your evidence by e-mail and then discuss it by phone or video-call.  This document from Scouts Scotland: validation-guide, provides some brilliant guidance on the sort of things you can do to validate during this time of virtual Scouting.


If you already have your Wood Badge for your role, you’ll probably be realising that there are some areas you want to refresh in your memory.  Whether that’s programme planning, developing the Section, using Zoom, administration using OSM or writing Risk Assessments.  Do have a look at the Learning Opportunities page and sign up for any training that you think would be useful, your Group Scout Leader or District Explorer Scout Commissioner may be able to suggest something.  If you don’t see the training you are looking for, contact me on and I’ll see if I can put on a relevant course.

HM King Charles III has been confirmed as our new Patron, a great honour for UK Scouts.

The King continues a long tradition of the monarch giving their Patronage, dating back to 1912. This was when Scouts was granted its Royal Charter and HM George V became our first Patron.

Find out more
King Charles III

Our Patron, HM King Charles III