Top Awards at Home
You you can still complete your Top Awards even though we can’t do Scouting as we’d normally do. We just have to be innovative and creative to find alternatives – it’s another feature of our Scouting skills!
The information given below or in the download here shows variations on how to accommodate lockdown restrictions and carry on Scouting for the ICV (International, Community & Values) List of the Top Awards for Explorers and Scout Network. There are also some ideas for activities. I hope it’ll inspire you to keep working towards your Awards, gaining skills and experiences despite lockdown.
I wish you all the very best in completing these Awards and look forward to seeing you at the County Top Awards Ceremony scheduled for September, pandemic-permitting.
Matt Fox, County Queen’s Scout Award and Top Awards Co-ordinator
Chief Scout Platinum Award
INTERNATIONAL: This is section is all about exploration both around global issues and taking part in international opportunities.
1. Organise a series of 2 evening programmes for your Unit or another section on an international theme agreed with your mentor.
This requirement could be met if your section is continuing to meet virtually. Please speak with your relevant section leader to find a suitable time.
COMMUNITY: This section is all about developing your knowledge and skills and putting them into practice to make a real difference and impact on your local community.
2. Research and participate in an environmental or community-based project to make an improvement in your local environment or community. This could be within Scouting or another organisation. Present your experience to your Unit.
- Improving and maintain the outdoor space for an elderly neighbour over a period of time, researching about how the different plants need to be cared for and the safe use of different gardening tools.
- Research a local charity being affected by the current pandemic and raise money for them. This could be by walking the height of Everest up your staircase or walking the length of the Great Wall of China in your garden.
The presentation element could be completed in a virtual meeting. Please ensure you consult your section leader before presenting.
3. Complete the requirements to achieve the Community Impact Staged Activity Badge -Stage 3 or 4.
See badge requirements. You may not be able to complete all requirements at present, but you could start to plan your Community Impact project.
4. Work with a younger section to help them achieve a stage of their Community Impact Staged Activity Badge or their Environmental Conservation Activity Badge.
This requirement could be met if the section you support is continuing to meet virtually. Please speak with the relevant section leader to find a suitable time and ensure you research the criteria beforehand.
VALUES: This section is all about you reflecting upon your own and other’s beliefs and exploring what the Scouting Values mean to you. Take a regular part in spiritual reflection, this could be within or outside of scouting, for example at a place of worship.
1. Take a regular part in spiritual reflection, this could be within or outside of scouting, for example at a place of worship.
There are a variety of different organisations such as places of worship or even meditation sessions that are taking place online regularly. Please always ensure you are using the internet safely and that this is discussed with your leader and parent/carer beforehand.
2. Work with a younger section in gaining their Faith Activity badge (Beavers), My Faith Activity badge (Cubs and Scouts) or World Faith Activity badge (Cubs and Scouts).
This requirement could be met if the section you support is continuing to meet virtually. Please speak with the relevant section leader to find a suitable time and ensure you research the criteria beforehand.
3. Run an activity with another section, to explore the Promise and how they live by their Promise. Reflect on how you live by your Promise and discuss with your mentor.
This requirement could be met if the section you support is continuing to meet virtually. Please speak with the relevant section leader to find a suitable time and ensure you research the criteria beforehand.
4. Organise a series of 2 evening activities for another section to explore different faiths and beliefs.
This requirement could be met if the section you support is continuing to meet virtually. Please speak with the relevant section leader to find a suitable time.
Chief Scout Diamond Award
INTERNATIONAL: This is section is all about exploration both around global issues and taking part in international opportunities.
1. Organise a series of 4 evening programmes for your Unit or another section on an international theme agreed with your mentor.
This requirement could be met if your section is continuing to meet virtually. Please speak with your relevant section leader to find a suitable time.
COMMUNITY: This section is all about you developing your knowledge and skills and putting them into practice to make a real difference and impact on your local community.
1. Research and participate in an environmental or community-based project to make an improvement in your local environment or community. This could be within Scouting or another organisation. Present your experience to your Unit or Scout Network.
- Improving and maintain the outdoor space for an elderly neighbour over a period of time, researching about how the different plants need to be cared for and the safe use of different gardening tools.
- Research a local charity being affected by the current pandemic and raise money for them, this could be by walking the height of Everest up your staircase or walking the length of the Great Wall of China in your garden.
The presentation element could be completed on a virtual meeting. Please ensure you consult your section leader before presenting.
2. Work with a younger section to help them achieve a stage of their Community Impact Staged Activity badge, or their Environmental Conservation Activity Badge.
This requirement could be met if the section you support is continuing to meet virtually. Please speak with the relevant section leader to find a suitable time and ensure you research the criteria beforehand.
3. Complete the requirements to achieve the Community Impact Staged Activity Badge – Stage 3 or 4.
See badge requirements. You may not be able to complete all requirements at present, but you could start to plan your Community Impact project.
4. Complete the Scouts of the World Award
The UK Scout Network has been arranging a series of virtual events for 18–25-year-olds to complete the Discovery element of the award. For more information about upcoming events, please visit or follow the Scouts Hereford and Worcester Scout Network Page as event details are post on there.
VALUES: This section is all about you reflecting upon your own and other’s beliefs and exploring what the Scouting Values mean to you.
1. Take a regular part in spiritual reflection, this could be within or outside of scouting, for example at a place of worship.
There are a variety of different organisations such as places of worship or even meditation sessions that are taking place online regularly. Please always ensure you are using the internet safely and that this is discussed with your leader and parent/carer beforehand.
2. Work with a younger section in gaining their Faith Activity badge (Beavers), My Faith Activity badge (Cubs and Scouts) or World Faith Activity badge (Cubs and Scouts).
This requirement could be met if the section you support is continuing to meet virtually. Please speak with the relevant section leader to find a suitable time and ensure you research the criteria beforehand.
3. Run an activity with another section, to explore the Promise and how they live by their promise. Reflect on how you live by your Promise and discuss with your mentor.
This requirement could be met if the section you support is continuing to meet virtually. Please speak with the relevant section leader to find a suitable time and ensure you research the criteria beforehand.
4. Organise a series of 4 evening activities for your Unit or another section to explore different faiths and beliefs.
This requirement could be met if your section is continuing to meet virtually. Please speak with your section leader to find a suitable time.
5. Complete the Scouts of the World Award
The UK Scout Network has been arranging a series of virtual events for 18-25 year olds to complete the Discovery element of this award. For more information about upcoming events, please visit or follow the Scouts Hereford and Worcester Scout Network Page as event details are post on there.
Queen’s Scout Award
INTERNATIONAL: This is section is all about exploration both around global issues and taking part in international opportunities.
1. Organise a series of 6 evening programmes for your Unit or another section on an international theme agreed with your mentor.
This requirement could be met if your section is continuing to meet virtually. Please speak with your relevant section leader to find a suitable time.
2. Complete the Scouts of the World Award.
The UK Scout Network has been arranging a series of virtual events for 18–25-year-olds to complete the Discovery element of the award. For more information about upcoming events, please visit or follow the Scouts Hereford and Worcester Scout Network Page as event details are post on there.
COMMUNITY: This section is all about you developing your knowledge and skills, and putting them into practice to make a real difference and impact on your local community.
1. Research and participate in a local environmental or community-based project to make an improvement in the environment or on the community. This could be within Scouting or another organisation. Present your experience to your Unit or Scout Network.
- Improving and maintain the outdoor space for an elderly neighbour over a period of time, researching about how the different plants need to be cared for and the safe use of different gardening tools.
- Research a local charity being affected by the current pandemic and raise money for them, this could be by walking the height of Everest up your staircase or walking the length of the Great Wall of China in your garden.
The presentation element could be completed on a virtual meeting. Please ensure you consult your section leader before presenting.
2. Complete the requirements to achieve the Community Impact Staged Activity Badge – Stage 4.
See badge requirements. You may not be able to complete all requirements at present, but you could start to plan your Community Impact project.
3. Take an active role in growing and developing Scouting in your local community.
As either a young leader or adult leader continue to engage with young people in your section during this unprecedented time by offering virtual meetings and activities to complete at home to achieve their Chief Scout Awards. Keeping them engaged will help to ensure that section numbers remain at their current level and we don’t lose young people.
4. Complete the Scouts of the World Award.
The UK Scout Network have been arranging a series of virtual events for 18–25-year-olds to complete the Discovery element of the award. For more information about upcoming events, please visit or follow the Scouts Hereford and Worcester Scout Network Page as event details are post on there.
VALUES: This section is all about you reflecting upon your own and other’s beliefs and exploring what the Scouting Values mean to you.
1. Take a regular part in leading time for spiritual reflection for others, this could be within or outside of scouting, for example at a place of worship.
There are a variety of different organisations such as places of worship or even meditation sessions that are taking place online regularly. Please always ensure you are using the internet safely and that this is discussed with your leader and parent/carer beforehand.
2. Take an active part in a project examining your own faith or beliefs and understanding how they do or have impacted upon you. Discuss your experience with your mentor/present your experience to a relevant audience.
There are a variety of different organisations such as places of worship or even meditation sessions that are taking place online regularly. Please always ensure you are using the internet safely and that this is discussed with your leader and parent/carer beforehand. You could share you experience on a virtual meeting, in discussion with your section leader.
3. Run a series of activities with another section, to explore the Scouting Values and what they mean to you and others. Reflect on how you live by the Scouting Values and discuss with your mentor.
This requirement could be met if the section you support is continuing to meet virtually. Please speak with the relevant section leader to find a suitable time and ensure you research the criteria beforehand.
4. Organise a series of 6 evening activities for your Unit or another section to explore different faiths and beliefs.
This requirement could be met if your section is continuing to meet virtually. Please speak with your section leader to find a suitable time.
5. Complete the Scouts of the World Award.
The UK Scout Network have been arranging a series of virtual events for 18–25-year-olds to complete the Discovery element of the award. For more information about upcoming events, please visit or follow the Scouts Hereford and Worcester Scout Network Page as event details are post on there.
Activity Ideas for All Awards
Provide service to an individual or the community for a number of months (length of time depends on the criteria for each award). Briefing and training should be given in order to gain the necessary skills.
- Continuing to volunteer with a young section virtually or plan sessions for when face-to-face meetings return, in discussion with the relevant section leader.
- Create a number of activities for a younger section to complete as part of their badge work at home during the suspension of face-to-face meetings, in discussion with the relevant section leader.
- Volunteering as part of the government / local authority schemes to support those who are vulnerable or shielding with grocery shopping and collecting medicines (age restrictions apply).
- Fundraising for a good cause or charity effected by the current pandemic.
- Maintain Facebook / Instagram / Websites for your Scout Group, a local community group or charity.
- Supporting a sibling or young relative with their home schooling.
Please remember to record your progress. This could be by writing a diary or by creating video blogs. You’ll also need to discuss your ideas with your Section Leader.
Physical Activity
Take up a physical activity for a number of months (length of time depends on the criteria for each award), completing an agreed programme of taking part and achievement.
- Complete the couch to 5k, or many of the other fitness sessions provided by the NHS, please visit for more information.
- Do an hour’s YouTube fitness video each week (you can try Bootcamps, pilates, dance routines and more)
- If you’ve got a garden, do some circuit training
- Get out on your bike in your local area – use an app to track your routes as evidence.
- Completing different walks in your local area – use an app to track your routes as evidence.
- Sport skills (i.e. practising skills to develop in your favourite sport)
- Yoga (you could also use YouTube tutorials or sign up to an online class)
- Fitness challenges (e.g. 100 press up challenge, plank challenge, step challenge)
Please remember to record your progress. This could be by using one of the many apps available for tracking exercise or creating video blogs. You’ll also need to discuss your ideas with your Section Leader.
Take up a skill for a number of months (length of time depends on the criteria for each award) and show progress and lasting interest. The skill can be an existing interest or something entirely new.
- Learn to play an instrument – you could use YouTube or other online videos to help you
- Learning first aid with St John Ambulance
- Sharpen your photography skills on the plants and wildlife in your garden or whilst on your daily exercise in your local community
- Brush up on your driving skills with GA Driving Education
- Learn to cook or bake or advance your existing skills
- Learning sign language
- Learn to knit, sew or crochet
- Learn some DIY skills – help out with any jobs at home
- Learn to garden – set up a vegetable or herb plot at home
- Learn to conjure / do magic tricks
- Research your family history: set up a family tree online and use resources to find out more about them – or call family members to chat about their memories and family stories. How far can you go back?
- Reading – write and share a review of each book you read
- Painting, drawing or model making
- Tabletop gaming
- Film making or vlogging
- Put up a birdfeeder and learn about the birds coming to your garden
- Meditation
Please remember to record your progress. This could be by writing a diary or by creating video blogs. You’ll also need to discuss your ideas with your Section Leader.