Scouts Hereford & Worcester declare a Climate & Ecological Emergency. Find out more... HERE
Virtual Events

Virtual Events

During the period of “Stay at Home” Scouts Hereford & Worcester are offering a number of virtual events. Some hosted by us, others being provided for resources for Districts and Groups to host.

The second part of this page offers advice for running virtual events.

Shirejammin @Home

Beavers on a Bear Hunt

Virtual County Campfire

  • County Campfire – Mid May – Details to be released

Virtual Huts

Rainbow Cafe

Visit the Rainbow Cafe every Monday, Wednesday and Friday between 7pm and 9pm

Visit by clicking here and login in as Young Person


The Scouts – Advice &  Links

Guidelines for Adults Running On-line Virtual meetings and scouting from home: If you are video conferencing:

  • The yellow card applies on line as in face to face. Can you disable 1:1 chat functions, make sure there is always another leader “at the meeting” too.
  • Is there anything in the background that might give more detail about your personal life than is appropriate?
  • Think about what you are wearing, whilst we are not at scouts, this is still scouting.
  • Think about your language and what you are saying-remember you are still a role model.
  • Is there anything that will appear on screen that gives away your precise home address?
  • Think about who else might be able to see/hear what you are saying and doing on line.
  • Think about the messages that we give young people about being safe on line and follow them.For other aspects of scouting:
  • Remember that virtual scouting should still be scouting for all, are there some young people that might be left out if that is the way you decide to go.
  • Think about this with the activities you are suggesting too-not all families might have the room, facilities or resources for the activities you might have suggested.
  • Encourage your young people to respect the controls put in place at the time. Treat all safeguarding concerns as you would face to face.The reporting procedure remains the same.


Visit: to find some downloadable resources for home learning e-safety activities.

HM King Charles III has been confirmed as our new Patron, a great honour for UK Scouts.

The King continues a long tradition of the monarch giving their Patronage, dating back to 1912. This was when Scouts was granted its Royal Charter and HM George V became our first Patron.

Find out more
King Charles III

Our Patron, HM King Charles III