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WSJ Scouts HW Adult Leader Applications

WSJ Scouts HW Adult Leader Applications

Ready to roar for Unit 86?

The World Scout Jamboree is a World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM) event, attended by tens of thousands of Scouts from around the world aged 14 to 17. It happens every 4 years, each time hosted by a different country. The next World Scout Jamboree takes place in South Korea in Summer 2023, and UK scouts who will be aged 14-17 years old may be able to attend as part of the UK Contingent.

Attendees will engage in pre-event activities, preparing, learning, and getting to know other UK Scouts, then travel to the main event in Summer 2023. UK Scouts from all walks of life are welcome. The application stage for the adult volunteer leaders to take the Scouts Hereford & Worcester Unit to the Jamboree is open. Youth application Process will follow later in July/ August/ September/ October. The leadership places are up to 100% funded and welcome any adult leader in Scouting or  adult non-members to apply. We want this to be the most inclusive Jamboree to date. There will also be a revised inclusive policy from County regarding Youth applications too.

We invite you to apply full details below.

We will be offereing a Local briefing and Q&A to answer approoaches and questions. You must pre register here for the Zoom event on 11th July 2021, 7PM.


After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.


Key dates:

1st July 2021 – Applications open

11th July 2021 – Scouts Hereford & Worcester Jamboree Unit Leader Briefing – County Approaches, Q&A for Selection

13th July 2021- UKC – Becoming a Unit Leader Webinar –

18th July 2021 – Application Closing Date

1st August 2021 – Selection Day


Application Dates:

The closing date for applications will be noon 18th July 2021 via email.


The application form can be found here:

Scouts H and W Recruitment form WSJ Leaders


Role descriptions can be found here:

SHW WSJ Deputy Unit Leader Role Description

SHW WSJ Unit leader Role Description

SHW WSJ Assistant Unit Leader Role Description

Shortlisted applicants will be invited to the selection day.


The process of supporting the County Commissioner in making an appointment to the role will be undertaken by a search group. The search group is keen to receive applications for the role from a wide range of individuals. When completing the application form please provide as much relevant information as possible as this will assist the search group in considering who may be best suited for the role. Please refer to the role description and address each of the items listed in the person specification to help the search group understand how you meet the requirements of the role. It may be helpful to include experiences outside of Scouting that are relevant to the role such as in professional or other volunteer capacities.

The search group will create a shortlist of candidates for a  selection process, which we expect to take place on Sunday 1st August at 5th Worcester Sea Scout HQ, Worcester, WR3 7AG. This will include a series of activities and informal chats with members of the search group. Further details will be provided to shortlisted applicants.


There will be the following positions:

  • Unit Leader
  • Deputy Unit Leader x1
  • Assistant Unit Leader (x2)

You can apply for Unit Leader and other leader roles.

The proposed recruitment process for all leaders will be:

  1. Apply in a format that suits you e.g. word document, pdf, video or sound file
  2. Invitation to the selection day
  3. Presentation: applicants will be asked to prepare an informal 10-minute (max) presentation via an approach of your choosing – “What is your Jamboree Dream?”
  4. Youth Interview
  5. Adult Informal Chat
  6. If Successful – Offer Made
  7. Go draw your dream, recruit your unit and get Jamboree ready!

Further information

Training & Unit Develpoment

Unit leaders need to plan with the total engagement of the whole unit a training plan to be ready for international travel, the jamboree and all the skills required therein, which avoids exam periods.

You will need to build a patrol system and identfity patrol leaders and assistant patrol leaders. They will help deliver the automony and ownership with the Explorer section that unit leaders must provide to the young people.

It is recommended by previous leaders to plan as a minimum for training:

  • x3 weekend camps
  • x1 5-day camp
  • x3 Briefing events

The UK Contigent will provide a development plan and training activity, including activities such as Jamboree in the box.

Funding & Finance

The County will pay upto 100% of the contingent fee for each of the four adults within its unit allocation. The fee is unknown at present thought for the 2019 Jambooree the contingent fee was £3500 plus additional costs for training camps, other excursions and spending money.

This is compromised of:

  • 75% Full payment of the contingent fee
  • 25% County Grant application funding

The purpose of the funding for these roles is to encourage a diverse and inclusive set of applicants. Also, it enables the leaders to fully support the fundraising efforts and time commitments of unit leadership. Thereby enabling a more cohesive and functioning unit. Leaders do not need to take the offer of funding; they are welcome to self-fund. The last unit contigent leaders all contributed depending on their means and fully supported all young people’s own efforts, sponsorship and grant applications.

The County will provide a starting fund of £500 for the unit to help with initial expenditure and events, including youth selection and merchandise. The County will provide an account with debit cards, managed in conjunction with the County Treasurer.

The budget of the Unit will be agreed with the Unit leadership team and County Commissioner. It is suggested that one of the unit leaders takes the responibilty fo tracking money, payments and liasing with the County Treasurer.

The personal details must be managed through OSM as well as the UK Contingent systems.

County and local Engagment

Roadshows (Virtual) will be needed too be produced between July and September too inform potential young people of the jamboree and the programme. These need to be designed by the adult unit leaders and full assistance fromo the county team and exiting leaders will be available. It is anticpated these will need to be delivered virtually in a scheme and frequency to be designed by the team.

County Meetings between the County Commissioner, AAC International and appropriate County Members will be on an as required basis.

Shirejam, the unit will be offered the oppoturity to support Shirejam 2023 as a fundraising opportunity.

County Media team will be onhand to help set up the channels and approach. You must follow all branding guides and the DCC Perception is available for assistance. All Unit Leaders will have access to the County IT infrastructure.

Youth Unit Selection

The selection of the youth will be run by the County at a venue or approach to be decided with the Unit leaders. A selection system needs to be constructed which is inclusive for all members, where full assistance will be given by the County Team and other leaders. Policies on recruitment will be devised with the support of CC, DC and Unit Leaders.

Post Jamboree Event & Reporting

After the Jamboree there should be a celebratory event in the Autumn term of 2023 to celebrate the journey. Unit leaders need to provide a report for the County AGM in 2024. Leaders will also be asked to support the recruitment of the jamboree in 2027. A ‘lessons learnt’ document must be produced in preperation for the next jamboree after South Korea for the benefit of the next unit leaders.


If County members become IST it will be promoted that they integrate with the County Jamboree Unit, including helping with nights away, training and supporting each other for fundraising. Everyone on the Jamboree is on the same journey and should support each other.


Note this page was edited and changed on the 8th July 2021 20:30

HM King Charles III has been confirmed as our new Patron, a great honour for UK Scouts.

The King continues a long tradition of the monarch giving their Patronage, dating back to 1912. This was when Scouts was granted its Royal Charter and HM George V became our first Patron.

Find out more
King Charles III

Our Patron, HM King Charles III