Online Training – Growing the Section (13)
Date: 17th March 2021
Evening Event
Location: online
LTM: Mel Brammer
Covers ways in which an adult volunteering with a section can assist their line manager and others to plan for and contribute to the growth of their section and/or group.
Topics covered:
- Importance of growth in scouting
- Recruitment and retention: young people
- Recruitment and retention: adults
- Tools and support to help sections grow
- Development plans
To book on this course please e-mail our County Training Administrator including the following information:
- names and dates of courses being applied for,
- full name,
- Scout membership number, Scout appointment, Group and District (and County if not from Hereford and Worcester),
- contact phone number and e-mail and
- any needs we should take into consideration for the delivery of the course(s).