Scouts Hereford & Worcester declare a Climate & Ecological Emergency. Find out more... HERE


We’re committed to ensuring that Scouting in Hereford and Worcester is both enjoyable and safe for everyone who takes part. There are a number of resources, training, reviews and processes our volunteers undertake to provide parents / carers with peace of mind.

Appointing the leaders who work with young people.

All volunteers who help to run our activities give their time freely to help young people enjoy Hereford and Worcester Scouting.

Leaders are interviewed locally and asked to provide references. Everyone working with young people in Scouting is asked to undertake a discloure check, sometimes known as a ‘police check’.

Code of behaviour

The Scout Association has a clear code of behaviour which is given to all adults working in Scouting, regardless of their role. This is also included in the training that leaders receive and offers advice about how young people should be treated. Everyone is expected to follow it.

The adult code of behaviour is called the Yellow Card and can be downloaded here:
Adult Code of Conduct for leaders in Scouting – Yellow Card


We expect all leaders to take courses in basic first aid and safeguarding. Adult leaders taking young people away on residential events like camps and sleepovers undertake extra training and assessment.

Outings and camps

All leaders taking young people on outings or camps will give parents relevant information and will provide a method of contacting the group while they are away.

What to do if you have concerns

If you are unhappy with anything relating to your child’s time in Scouting you should raise it with your child’s leaders first of all, or with the Group Scout Leader.

Here are some downloadable resources from the Scout Association, relating to staying safe & our anti-bullying policy:

HM King Charles III has been confirmed as our new Patron, a great honour for UK Scouts.

The King continues a long tradition of the monarch giving their Patronage, dating back to 1912. This was when Scouts was granted its Royal Charter and HM George V became our first Patron.

Find out more
King Charles III

Our Patron, HM King Charles III