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Module 17 Running Safe Activities & Modules 18 Practical Skills

Date: 1st October 2022 Between: 9:30 am - 1:30 pm Location: Worcester 5th Sea Scouts Park View Terrace Worcester WR3 7AG

Module 17

This module aims to enable adults to plan and run exciting, safe and developmental activities for the young people in their section.

Topics covered:

  • Importance of activities in a Balanced Programme
  • Planning and carrying out activities
  • Permits
  • Risk assessment
  • Leader in charge

Module 18

Topics covered:

  • Develop their personal ability in any two practical skills that may be used
    in the programme offered to young people.
  • Use at least one of the skills developed for objective one in the
    programme offered to young people.
  • Describe effective methods of learning for adults and young people.
  • Select appropriate training techniques to meet different training needs.
  • Demonstrate how a young person is effectively trained and developed in
    a practical skill.

To book on this course please use this link

During the Practical Skills Module (18), you will be given the opportunity to teach a practical skill to one of the other participants. In return, you will also have the opportunity to learn a practical skill. You may choose to teach any practical skill that you wish. It might for example be a skill used in your job or as part of a hobby or other interest. If possible please try to avoid choosing typical ‘Scouting’ skills. When deciding what skill to teach you should consider the following issues:

• You will have 30 minutes to teach your practical skill, with 10 minutes in which to prepare; the skill you choose must occupy the whole of the allocated time;

• The skill you teach must be “hands on” and require a demonstration; it should not be a simple taking exercise; • You will be teaching your skill to one other participant;

• Your teaching method should give the “learner” the opportunity to have a go; • You will need to bring with you any equipment, materials or other resources you require, both for your demonstration and for your learner. If you are uncertain what skill may be suitable or have any questions or difficulties please contact: Mark Strain

A buffet lunch will be provided for those staying for Module 19 in the afternoon


Worcester 5th Sea Scouts Park View Terrace Worcester WR3 7AG

HM King Charles III has been confirmed as our new Patron, a great honour for UK Scouts.

The King continues a long tradition of the monarch giving their Patronage, dating back to 1912. This was when Scouts was granted its Royal Charter and HM George V became our first Patron.

Find out more
King Charles III

Our Patron, HM King Charles III