Operation Bald Eagle 2024

2024 Event
What is OBE?
OBE is team challenge event with hiking and activity bases and is in 3 parts:
- The Friday Night Challenge (full of surprises!)
- The Day Challenge (multiple activity bases)
- The Night Hike (around 8 miles interspersed with challenge & food bases)
Taking part in each activity is important, but the key to being successful rests with those who show good teamwork!
Points are awarded in each part of the competition. The OBE Eagle Trophy is awarded to the team gaining the most marks. Certificates are also presented to the teams winning individual areas of the event.
Conditions of Entry
- Open to all Scout Troops in Hereford & Worcester and Gloucestershire
- Each team can have between 4 and 6 scouts
- Troops can enter multiple teams
- Cost: £34 per scout (plus your own Troop food and transport costs)
How to apply
- entries are accepted on a first come, first served basis
- full payment must be made by BACS or card at the time of application (Account Name: Hereford & Worcester Scouts; Sort Code: 40-52- 40; Account No: 00011136)
- CLICK HERE for the application form
The organisers wish to remind everyone that this is a very popular event and places usually get booked up very quickly – don’t delay in applying
Risk Assessment for campsite
Please use this when planning your attendance: Risk Assessment 2024
We look forward to seeing you in October!
The OBE Event Team
If you require any help, please contact at baldeagle@scoutshw.org.uk
Rhydd Covert Scout Campsite