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F2F Return to Scouting

F2F Return to Scouting

Latest information (September 1st, 2021):

We are at readiness level GREEN.

Exact details on what Green means for Scouting in England is on The Scouts website here.

If you want to see the National Youth Agency’s current “roadmap” to full re-opening for youth organisations there’s a webinar on YouTube – here  and a document here. However, please refer to The Scouts website for final details of how this will apply to Scouting.

For over one hundred years Scouting has brought young people together to teach them skills that give them a better start in life. The COVID-19 pandemic has stopped us meeting face to face for much of the last year, but we can still bring young people and adults together with technological solutions. With the return of  face-to-face scouting now that we are back in Green Readiness we can start to rebuild our Movement and provide young people with the exciting and challenging programmes they love. In my view, Scouting is needed more today than ever before…

Getting back together Face 2 Face

Please read the following information and guidelines to ensure compliance and safety and check for the latest information at any time.

The Covid Code

To resume section activities the following criteria must be met:
1. Complete a COVID-safe risk assessment; communicate control measures to volunteers, young people and parents; encourage all to raise questions & concerns. Click here for the official Approval Process. 
2. Submit your risk assessment for approval here (Step 2). Please ensure you read the national guidance and receive approval before you go back face-to-face.
3. Put additional hygiene measures in place
4. Observe Social Distancing (check current distance determined by the Government)
5. Limit group sizes as determined by The Scouts

Make adjustments for young people and adults who are vulnerable or affected by COVID; make sure plans are accessible and inclusive

Working Together

Each District in Hereford and Worcester has put mechanisms in place using working groups and/or approvers to support volunteers in planning for the safe return to Scouting and in following the national framework. These approaches will differ based on local need. We know that for some people this process may seem a bit daunting – don’t worry, the County and District Teams are here to help.

We will will continue to update you with details of how you can access support. We are currently arranging online briefing and training sessions for all adults in our County that will explain the process and ensure you know how to get help if you need it. One of the great things about Scouting is teamwork and we are keen to work together to help everybody through this process. We will be with you every step of the way.

Next Steps

In order to be able to meet F2F with Yellow restrictions you must submit your risk assessments. As before, moving back to F2F will be different for each Section and Group and while some may get stuck straight in others may stick with a virtual programme for now or do a bit of both. Whilst we are keen to get Scouting activities up and running, we need to do so in a safe way and make sure everyone is comfortable with new processes.

We know that not all our young people or volunteers will be able to return to F2F Scouting just yet, so it’s important that we continue to use digital tools to offer activities for all. Utilising a blended approach may be the best idea for some groups.

The video from the Blended Programme event can be viewed here.

And finally,

I want to say an enormous thank you for everything that you have done and are continuing to do for young people during this period. I am immensely proud of how Scouts Hereford & Worcester has continued to offer regular contact and innovative programme ideas for young people. In the coming weeks and months, I know that we will work together to do our best for young people and to bring Scouting back to all our members. I am certain our young people have missed it, and can’t wait to be back.

Stay safe, and thank you.

Dwayne Fields proudly holds the title of the UK's 11th Chief Scout

An explorer, adventurer and TV presenter, Dwayne's been seen in BAFTA nominated Channel 5 series Race to the Pole, on BBC Springwatch, Countryfile, National Geographic and Disney+.

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